
         Addis Ababa                        Natural Attractions                Historical Attraction


Addis Ababa is the headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the African Union (AU). On July 9, 2000, fifty-three heads of state formed the African Union (AU). The new organization replaces the Organization of African Unity (OAU) and is designed to accelerate the integration of the African continent. With more than 70 embassies and consular representatives in the city, Addis Ababa is the Diplomatic capital of Africa.

Wondo Genet which s like a green paradise, the mountains covered with forest where hot springs bubble up and also intensively cultivated with chat, coffee, sugar cane and all kind of fruit trees such as banana, mango, avocado and papaya. The Sidama farmers who make use of irrigation have several harvests in a year. Also the compound of the Wabe Shebelle hotel is a green paradise with flowers and flowering trees which make it enjoyable to relax on the veranda of your bungalow. The swimming pool which is filled with hot spring water.

Debre Libanos MonasteryEthiopia’s most holy sites of Debre Libanos monastery (110km ADD) founded in the 13th century by priest Tekla Haimanot ,today one of Ethiopia’s most renowned saints. The church has beautiful Stained glass windows, and contains mosaic figures, which is found in the facade and some interesting mural paintings by the well-known Ethiopian artist Afework Tekele.




     National Parks                       Festival and Events             Awassa and Fish Market


This park was primarily created for its spectacular numbers of aquatic birds, especially Great white Pelican and Lesser Flamingo; the bird breeding islands in Lake Shalla, and its scenery. It is a famous and significant Ornithological Site in the country.

ENKUTATASH, it is the celebration of Ethiopian New Year which falls every year Meskerem 1st (September 1st Ethiopian Calendar) or September 11th or 12th (Gregorian calendar) depending on the leap year.

Hawassa (Awassa) is an active town Ethiopia at the heart of the rift valley. It is the capital of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region.




    Tribes of Oromo valley


The Omo valley and the surrounding areas are also well known because of their most attractive National Park and various tribes that have led traditional life styles. The famous national parks such as Nech sar, Mago and Omo are found around the Omo Valley.
