Awassa (Hawassa) & Fish Market

  • Hawassa (Awassa) is an active town Ethiopia at the heart of the rift valley. It is the capital of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region. Over 50 various nation nationalities made their home with their own traditions, languages, dress, dance, and culture. It serves as an excellent base for exploring the southern Ethiopia and tribes of Omo Valley. The town has been named after the lake that stands next to it.

    Awassa (Hawassa) town is attaining a continuous growth; and daily attracting tourists and has opened its doors wide to investors. It is an attractive town that you can come in any of your interest and do what you wish. It is at a distance of 275km from Addis Ababa, founded on 1959.

    Life in Hawassa starts at the fish market, as every morning the fishermen bring home the fresh catch, surrounded by the opportunistic birds of the lake. The abundance and variety of the lake side birdlife is truly spectacular. A highlight of any trip here will be with no doubt taking a boat across the lake to see the hippos, all the while surrounded by birds of every shape and colour, from awesome fish eagles and storks, to the smallest waders and weavers.

    Sipping a cold drink as you sit at the lakeside while the sun sets over the volcanic hills to the west, the birds fly across the water to rest is surely one of the life’s simplest but most rewarding pleasures.

    Awassa (Hawassa) is well served by excellent hotels and restaurants, bars and clubs. Delicious traditional foods compete for your appetite’s attention with superb western dishes, while both the best local and international wines are available to digest. Ethiopia is a musical country, and combining a few of the excellent local beers with a spot of dancing is a popular way of spending the night life.