Bird Waching

Tour Code: AGET-BW01 Tour Program to Central & Southern Ethiopia
Attractions: History, Scenery, Birds & Wildlife
Duration: 5 Days & 4 Nights
Transportation: Surface drive

Day 1: Arrival at Addis Ababa Bole International Air port

Meet and greet you Amba Ethiopia Tours representative at exit of luggage claim and transfer you to the hotel. Overnight stay in Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa.

Day 2: Excursion to Menegash Suba Forest

After breakfast, you will drive to Menegash Suba forest (50 Km from Addis, the first known subject of an official conservation policy in Africa, protected by the government since the 16th century). You will visit birds and different endemic species such as White-winged fluff tail (one of the globally threatened species), Yellow-fronted parrot, Abyssinian Woodpecker and Abyssinian catbird; and also some wildlife like: gureza monkey, the endemic Menelik’s bushbuck, baboon, common duiker, and serval cat. You will have packed lunch in the bush. Late in afternoon, you will drive back to Addis Ababa then you will have dinner, rest & spend the night at the hotel. Overnight stay in Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa.

Day 3: Drive to Awash National Park

Right after breakfast, an early morning drive will take you to Awash National Park (225 Km from Addis Ababa). The Park and its surrounding area are very important for birds; the total number of species recorded exceeds 400; there is a population of two globally threatened and restricted range species. You will arrive in Awash National Park late in the afternoon. You will check into a lodge and take a break before dinner is served. Overnight stay in Awash Falls Lodge.

Day 4: Bird watching day in Awash National Park

You will have breakfast and stay one more day in Awash National Park to visit Ilala Sala Plain (Oryx Plain), Awash River Waterfalls and acacia thickets for birds such as Grey Hornbill, Somali Fiscal, Helmeted Guinea fowl, Blue-napped Mouse bird, Kori Bustard, Yellow-necked Francolin, Drongo, Red-winged Lark, Woodland and Striped Kingfishers, Robins and birds of prey such as Tawny Eagle, Long-crested Eagle, Yellow-billed Kite and Dark Chanting Goshawk. Awash park is also home to mammals such as Oryx, Lesser Kudu, Hammadryas Baboon and Olive Baboon, Vervet Monkey, Salt’s Dick-dick and more. In the evening, you will get back to the lodge and you will have dinner and stay the night in the lodge. Overnight stay in Awash Falls Lodge.

Day 5: Drive back to Addis Ababa

After breakfast, you will be driven back to Addis Ababa (225 Km). You will have lunch at Nazareth (Adama). You will arrive in Addis Ababa late afternoon where you will do some shopping for souvenirs. Finally you will be taken to a farewell dinner depending on your scheduled flight; you will be transferred out to Bole International Airport for return flight back home.